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TopBraid Enterprise Vocabulary Net User and Reference Guide


attribute property A value associated with a concept that is stored as a string, number, or some other kind of atomic value. A concept's preferred label is one example of an attribute property. Compare relationship property.

clone A copy of a concept, with all its metadata. Creation and editing of clones can be a useful way to create new concepts with minimal data entry.

concept The basic unit of a vocabulary. A concept is usually known by its preferred label, and can have various kinds of metadata assigned to it. See properties.

concept type A subset of a vocabulary's concepts grouped together for easier management. The concepts within a given type may themselves be grouped into subtypes of that type. Different concept types can have different custom attribute and relationship properties. Also known as a class.

ontology A description of concepts in a business area. Ontologies can be combined using EVN's include and import features. An ontology is an information model.

production vocabulary The version of an information model currently in use. For example, someone assigning keywords to magazine articles to make them easier to retrieve at a later point would be finding these terms to assign in the production vocabulary. Compare working copy.

properties The data associated with a given concept, such as its preferred label, broader and narrower concepts, and annotations such as scope notes. See also attribute properties and relationship properties.

relationship property A value associated with a concept that is a pointer to another concept. For example, a concept with the preferred label "dog" may have a value in its "broader" relationship property pointing to the concept with the preferred label "mammal" and a value in its "narrower" relationship property pointing to the concept with the preferred label "collie". Also known as an object property.

scheme a set of concepts grouped together into a list or hierarchy. It might represent a taxonomy, a thesaurus, a code list, or any other controlled vocabulary. A vocabulary may be a single scheme, but because of EVN's ability to group several vocabularies together, some may appear as multiple schemes. For example, you might have a taxonomy of apparel products and another of colors in which the clothing was available both displayed at the same time.

Teamworks Repository a version of the vocabulary data that stores an audit trail of changes made to the vocabulary along with the vocabulary itself.

A set of business concepts described using SKOS. These are typically used for taxonomies or reference data that is hierarchical in nature.

working copy A virtual copy of the production information model created for editing purposes. A working copy may go through a workflow approval process, after which the changes made to it may or may not get made to the official production information model. There may be several working copies in existence at once as users in various roles make and review changes in those working copies.